Author, artist, and gender-fluid sorcerer, Morpheus Ravenna

Author, artist, and gender-fluid sorcerer, Morpheus Ravenna

I recently had the opportunity to chat with Morpheus Ravenna on the Queer Spirituality Podcast. Morpheus Ravenna is a gender-fluid sorcerer, writer, and artist residing in the East Bay area of California. Sí is a devotee of the Morrigan and practices animism, folk magic, and Celtic polytheism.  Sí is also the co-founder of the Coru Cathubodua priesthood and the author of "The Book of the Great Queen" and "The Magic of the Otherworld."

Embracing Queer Spirituality

Queer spirituality is a way of being in the world that transcends the limitations and boundaries imposed by societal conventions. Morpheus describes it as "any spirituality that is unbound from conventions that seek to limit us in terms of our gendered experiences or our non-gendered experiences." It is about embracing the fluidity and transgression of borders and boundaries, both in terms of gender and spiritual practice.

The Journey to Queer Spirituality

Morpheus's journey to queer spirituality began with their discovery of witchcraft as an adolescent. They found themselves drawn to the practice, chanting to the moon in the woods without fully understanding what they were doing. This led them to join a coven rooted in the Anderson Fairy Tradition of witchcraft, where they had profound experiences with The Morrigan, an Irish goddess. Over time, The Morrigan became central to their spiritual practice, introducing them to other Gaelic and Celtic deities.

The Coru Cathubodua Priesthood

Morpheus is a co-founder of the Coru Cathubodua priesthood, a Celtic polytheist religious order dedicated to The Morrigan and other Gaelic and Celtic gods. While primarily based in California, the priesthood has members across the United States. While the priesthood is an initiatory order, they also offer public events and rituals, including online offerings, to engage with a wider community.

Magic and Activism

Morpheus emphasizes the importance of being involved in on-the-ground activism when using magic for political aims. They believe that magical activism is more effective when it is supported by tangible actions in the material world. Morpheus states, "Doing some work in this world, the material world, is important because it helps signal to the spirits and the powers that you're serious." They also stress the need for magical protection and a deep network of spirit allies when engaging in magical activism.

Ethical Concerns and Supporting Activism

When it comes to ethical concerns in magical activism, Morpheus highlights the importance of centering the needs of the most impacted people and avoiding the trap of "White Knighting." They also caution against underestimating the power structures that exist and the spiritual realities associated with them. Morpheus advises activists to develop relationships of trust within networks of like-minded individuals and to engage in diverse tactics to challenge the status quo.

The Otherworld and the Current Struggles

There has been talk of a war or conflict brewing in the Otherworld, particularly in relation to The Morrigan. Morpheus explains that they have received messages from The Morrigan about a storm coming and the need to be prepared. They interpret this as a reflection of the current worldwide resurgence of fascism, authoritarianism, and the challenges posed by climate change. They believe that the gods have been aware of these developments and are calling on their devotees to be in the fight.

The Resilience of Queer Spirituality

In the face of anti-queer sentiments and legislation, Morpheus reminds the queer community that they have always been here and always will be. They emphasize that queer people are part of the soul of humanity and cannot be eradicated. Morpheus encourages queer individuals to find strength in their history and to trust their own experiences and instincts, despite the gaslighting they may face from society.

Queer spirituality offers a unique perspective on the divine and the role of queer people in the spiritual awakening of society. It challenges societal norms and embraces the fluidity and transgression of boundaries. As the world grapples with political and social challenges, queer spirituality provides a framework for activism and magical practice that centers the needs of the most impacted and calls for deep connections and trust within communities. By embracing their history and trusting their instincts, queer individuals can navigate the current struggles and contribute to a more inclusive and just world.

Episode Summary

About The Guest(s):
Morpheus Ravenna is a gender fluid sorcerer, artist, and writer residing in the East Bay area of California. They are a dedicate of The Morrigan with a practice rooted in animism, folk magic, and Celtic polytheism. Morpheus is an initiate of the Anderson Fairy Tradition of witchcraft and has practiced devotional polytheism and the magical arts for over 25 years. They are the author of "The Book of the Great Queen" and "The Magic of the Otherworld" and a priest and co-founder of the Coru Cathubodua Priesthood. Morpheus also works as a tattoo artist and creates devotional artworks and sorceress crafts in various media.

In this episode of the Queer Spirituality podcast, host Julian Crosson-Hill interviews Morpheus Ravenna, a gender fluid sorcerer and devotee of The Morrigan. They discuss the concept of queer spirituality and how it relates to breaking free from societal limitations and embracing liminality. Morpheus shares their journey of finding their spiritual path through witchcraft and their deep connection with The Morrigan. They also talk about their involvement in the Coru Cathubodua Priesthood, a Celtic polytheist religious order, and their upcoming book "The Magic of the Otherworld," which explores sorcery and magical practice rooted in a Celtic worldview. The conversation touches on the intersection of magic and activism, the importance of finding supportive communities, and the resilience of queer people throughout history.

Key Takeaways:

  • Queer spirituality is about embracing a way of being in the world that transcends societal conventions and limitations on gender and identity.
  • The Morrigan and other Celtic deities can be seen as transgressive of gender norms and provide a spacious framework for queer spiritual practice.
  • Activism and magic are most effective when combined with on-the-ground efforts and involvement in the community.
  • It is important to have spiritual protections and a network of spirit allies when engaging in magical activism.
  • Queer people should remember that they have always been a part of humanity and cannot be erased.

Connect with Morpheus Ravenna

Listen to the Full Episode

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About the Author, Julian Crosson-Hill

Julian Crosson-Hill, ACC is an ICF certified spiritual life coach and human design specialist. He coaches gay and bisexual men in living a life of purpose, meaning, and connection.

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